日本全国のアクティビティ・遊び・体験・レジャー 176 ページ目
- 8歳~65歳
- 1~2時間
- 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00 / 18:00 / 19:00
今、話題のアメリカンビレッジでお洒落で可愛いキックボードをレンタルして、たくさんのインスタ映えスポット&お洒落なカフェ巡り!ポタポタ、キックボードに乗り、新しい観光スタイルが楽しめます。 ~当日の流れ~ ①申込用紙記入、保険説明、乗り方、MAPの説明 5分 ②キックボードレンタル 50分 ③返却 5分
- 0歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
- 8歳~100歳
- 1時間以内 /1~2時間 /2~3時間 /3~4時間 /4~5時間 /5~6時間 /当日6時間以上
2024年9/13(金)~11/4(月・祝)まで北アルプス国際芸術祭2024開催。ご要望によりSUPで芸術鑑賞。 鑑賞する場合は鑑賞パスポートまたは個別鑑賞券の購入が必要です。 レンタサイクルで自然豊かな北アルプス山麓信濃大町を、移ろいゆく四季を感じながらゆっくりサイクリング 青木湖一周コース 仁科三湖中最も大きくもっとも静かな湖です。水は神秘的にまで青く澄み、白馬三山・爺ヶ岳を紺碧の湖面に投影し、すばらしい風光を展開している。全長約7km 所要時間1時間 青木湖・中綱湖一周コース 2005年経済産業大臣旗争奪・全日本実業団サイクルロードレース実施コースです。白馬三山と爺ヶ岳を眺めながら、春は中綱湖西岸のオオヤマザクラの中を・夏は青木湖北岸の広葉樹と針葉樹が作るトンネルの中を森林浴しながら、秋は紅葉のオーケストラの中を、移ろいゆく四季を感じながらサイクリング。 全長約9km 所要時間2時間 青木湖・中綱湖・木崎湖一周コース 思索の青木湖・釣りの中綱湖・行楽の木崎湖を総称して「仁科三湖と呼ばれ、四季折々の北アルプスの山々を湖面に投影しています。5月下旬中綱湖~木崎湖間は菜の花が咲き乱れています。木崎湖はアニメ「おねがい☆ティーチャー」「おねがい☆ツインズ」の舞台となった湖です。全長約23.5km 所要時間2時間30分~3時間
- 0歳~100歳
- 1~2時間
- 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00
奈良県初のことりカフェで、おいしいランチを楽しみましょう♪ かわいい小鳥を眺めて癒されながら食べるごはんはおいしく感じるはずですよー☆ ~ドリンク・デザート内容~ ・選べるドリンク メニューにあるドリンク全てからお選びいただけます ・ミニデザート 何が出るかは当日のお楽しみです。
- 16歳~100歳
- 1時間以内
- 11:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00
- 6歳~100歳
- 1~2時間
- 10:30 / 13:30
今回家族で初めて体験させていただきました。 小3の娘も初めてでしたが、スタッフさんの親切な説明と優しくフォローしてくださったり、褒めてくださったおかげで、焦る事なく自分のペースで楽しく最後まで作り上げることができて、とても喜んでいました。 試食もとてもおいしかったので、お土産に買って帰りました。 今度また、親戚や友人とうかがいたいです。 GWの素敵な思い出になりました。ありがとうございました。
- 0歳~100歳
- 1時間以内
日本最古の映画館「高田世界館」を見学! 現役で稼働中の35mm映写機体感、日本の1930年代の無声アニメ映画の鑑賞付き♪ まるで116年前の映画館にタイムスリップしたような体験ができます。 上映後は城下町高田に残る雪国の象徴的景観である「雁木」の街並みを歩いてみてはいかがでしょうか。 ・映画館内の見学 ・35mm映写機の映写デモンストレーション ・1930年代の無声映画 日本アニメ鑑賞 ・日本語版のパンフレット進呈 〜体験の流れ〜 ■ 館内見学 ‣ 館内見学(説明付き)30分 (*)15名様以下でのご予約の場合、上映はございません。 ■ 館内見学と上映 ‣ 館内見学(説明付き)30分 ‣ 上映 11分 (*)上映は15名様以上のご予約団体に限ります
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 12歳~100歳
- 当日6時間以上
海と湖に囲まれた町「鹿嶋市」でレンタルサイクリング体験♪ 自転車だから鹿島神宮やアントラーズクラブハウスにもラクラクアクセスできちゃう! 【スケジュール】 1.「ミニ博物館ココシカ」にて受付(開始時間は10時〜15時) 簡単な手続きのあと、自転車をお貸しいたします。必ず身分証明書をお持ちください。 ↓ 2.レンタルサイクルにて鹿嶋観光をお楽しみください♪ 10:00~16:00の間の貸し出しとなります。 (開始時間は10:00~15:00) 【レンタル料金/ご予約時に自転車の種類をお選びください】 ・普通自転車/26インチ/700円 2台 ・電動自転車/26インチor24インチ/1000円 各4台
- 0歳~100歳
- 1時間以内
ぶらり歩きにはぴったりの一本杉通りにあります! ☆当店のこだわり☆ 「抹茶挽き体験」で飲んでいただくお茶のお湯を茶釜のお湯にしています。 炭火でお湯を沸かしており、まろやかで一段とおいしくなります。 お湯の沸く音、抹茶を挽く時の碾臼の音を「松風」と云います。とても癒される音です〜 ☆豆知識☆ 抹茶の始まりは、栄西禅師が12世紀の末期、禅宗の勉強に中国に渡り、帰る時に持ち帰ったものです。 お茶の実と薬研だといわれており、薬を作るのに使われました。 お茶も薬だったので、今でも「お茶を一服どうですか?」とすすめます。 ☆プラン内容☆ 七尾名物「大豆飴」+ お抹茶 ¥500 ぜひ一服いかがですか?!
- 0歳~100歳
- 1時間以内
- 09:00 / 09:30 / 10:00 / 10:30 / 11:00 / 11:30 / 12:00 / 12:30 / 13:00 / 13:30 / 14:00 / 14:30 / 15:00 / 15:30
- 0歳~100歳
- 1~2時間
- 10:00 / 13:30 / 15:30
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 18歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
Unlimited plan! With NINJA WiFi, you can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. anywhere in Japan♪ Features of NINJA WiFi: ・Unlimited plan (SoftBank) with 3GB per day of high speed internet ・Number of simultaneous device connections: up to 5 devices ・No minimum order ・Return location: Any of the following counters with advance notice. Narita International Airport T1 Narita International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T2 Haneda International Airport T3 Kansai International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1 Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 2 New Chitose Airport International New Chitose Airport Domestic Fukuoka Airport Naha Airport Asahikawa Airport Komatsu Airport Kagoshima Airport
- 5歳~80歳
- 2~3時間
- 10:00