- 0歳~99歳
- 2~3時間
- 10:30 / 14:15
Take a tour with your guide through the quaint street lined with Japanese old houses! Masuda Town has prospered as a merchant town since the Edo period. Because this town has been the transportation hub, a variety of agricultural products gathered here. Merchants amassed wealth in their fields and created mansion towns. Inside these mansions, "Kura'' or a storehouse was built by wealthy merchants to store documents and household furniture. This storehouse is still inhabited and rare even in Japan. Feel the elegance in the detailed decorations such as white plaster, polished black plaster and lacquered interior. The townscape is home to many historic buildings of this area. Masuda town was designated as a National Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings in 2013. Find the storehouses of each mansion with its unique structure and decoration. In this guided tour, you will be able to visit two to three mansions with storehouse while receiving an explanation. English speaking guide accompanies you.
- 0歳~100歳
- 1時間以内
- 09:00 / 09:30 / 10:00 / 10:30 / 11:00 / 11:30 / 12:00 / 12:30 / 13:00 / 13:30 / 14:00 / 14:30 / 15:00 / 15:30
- 0歳~99歳
- 当日6時間以上
- 12:00
Are you interested in driving in Japan? If you have any concerns, how about accompanying with Japanese English-speaking guide on the first day of driving? This service includes explanation of traffic rules, support for your driving, and interpreter guide. Your guide will accompany you for about 8 hours during the day. We will also guide you outside of Akita City. In Japan, you drive on the left. You may not be used to seeing Japanese signs. A lot of sightseeing spots are convenient to visit by car. You may be able to go to places that you can't go on regular sightseeing trips. We could support your driving from next to your seat as English speaking guide. We will explain traffic signs, signals, and rules. Our service is available not only on the first day of driving, but also on the middle and last day of driving. You can enjoy your trip to Japan with your original course. Would you like to travel with the freedom to take breaks and eat whenever you like? Explore Akita's tourist spots together.
- 3歳~100歳
- 3歳~100歳
- 10歳~100歳
秋田初♫スノードーム作り体験が出来るお店として、経験豊富なスタッフが教えます。 〜体験の流れ〜 ①スノードームの形を選ぼう 本格的な球体型と台座付きドーム型の2種類から形が選べます!どちらも人気なので、実際に見て選んで下さい(^^) ②ミニチュアを選ぼう ミニチュアの種類も沢山あるのでクリスマスや海モチーフなど、色んなテーマで作れます! ③レイアウトを考えよう ④接着していこう ⑤ラメを選ぼう スノードームといえば、ラメ!たくさんの種類からお好みのラメの組み合わせを選べます! ⑥仕上げをして完成‼︎ すぐにお持ち帰り可能ですので、プレゼントにもおススメ! 思い出をカタチにしませんか(^^)? デザインの相談もお受けします!
- 12歳~90歳
職人が手作業で組み合わせて作る「組子」の製作を木の都”のしろ”で体験してみませんか? 秋田県能代市は米代川の河口の街で、伐採された秋田杉の運搬に便利な港があり、製材された木材は国内・海外へ輸出され「東洋一の木都(もくと)」と称されました。現在も市内には木材関係の企業が多くあります。 木製の「組子パーツ」を一から組み上げていきます。細かい作業もありますがカチっと組み上がっていく作業は病みつきになります!ヤスリを使った仕上げ作業では木のいい香りを感じることができます。※木の素材:ヒバ 直径約5.6cmの「ストラップ」、約10cmの「コースター(※追加500円)」の2種類から選んで製作できます。 (コースターをご希望の場合はオプションで「コースターへの変更」をお選びください) ※世界自然遺産「白神山地」で採取されたミネラルウォーター(500mlペットボトル)と能代銘菓のお土産付きです。 【体験会場について】市内の施設で実施の場合は徒歩にて移動(約5分)又は観光案内所事務所内となります。