- 6歳~80歳
- 2~3時間 /3~4時間
- 08:40 / 13:20
手軽に楽しみたい方や 小さなお子様連れのご家族・ファミリーにおすすめ◎ 冬の森を散策&探検! 動物の足跡や冬芽観察,そり滑りなど雪遊び体験 雪上カフェタイムでココロもカラダもほっこり 積雪状況に応じて様々なフィールドへご案内 軽井沢・北軽井沢周辺〜湯の丸・高峰高原エリアに対応◎ ◆直前のお日にち、土日祝、その他ご相談、 お気軽に『アウトドア外遊び体験ツアー EARTH・碓氷軽井沢』まで。 ★軽井沢周辺〜長野群馬県境で外遊び体験・アクティビティ色々開催★ ☆キャニオニング☆シャワークライミング☆カヌー・カヤック ☆MTBサイクリング 他、季節限定・イベント等ラインナップ多数!
- 12歳~70歳
- 当日6時間以上
信越トレイルが伸びる「関田山脈」は里山です。 Do you know about Shinetsu-Trail , north part of Nagano prefecture ? The Sekida Mountain ridges are one of the heaviest snowfall areas in the world. It is along the ridgeline of a forested area at an altitude of about1,000m. From early June to November you are able to walk the trail, as all the snow has melted. In early summer, the trail is beautiful with fresh green leaves and in late autumn as the days get colder, the leaves turn stunning colors. Currently, the trail has 6 individual sections each between 8~12km. It takes approximately 6~7 hours to hike one section. Sections 1~6 total about 80km. Later this year, 4 new sections (7~10) will be opened making the trail 110km from start to finish. I plan to hike the entire trail, sections 1~10 before the first snow fall. Reasonable accommodation is available if you would like to stay overnight, and I can help with those arrangements if needed, so please feel free to ask. This is a serious hike, so please be certain of your fitness, capability, and equipment. If you are interested, or have any questions at all about anything, do not hesitate to contact me directly.