- 6歳~75歳
- 1時間以内
- 10:00 / 11:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00 / 18:00 / 19:00
SAMURAI CALLIGRAPHY -Preparation Resignation is the last character to be written in this world in preparation for death. Calligraphy is a beautiful part of Japanese culture, but before experiencing it, please imagine yourself saying goodbye to this world. Before you experience it, imagine that you will soon have to say goodbye to this world. You will be dressed in kimono or hakama like a samurai - Description of the Book of Resignation In the Warring States period, life and death were always next to each other. One of the essential practices of the samurai at the time of their death was the writing of resignation. -When a samurai foresaw his death, he would look back on his life and write down his last words as his last words on earth.
外国のお友達をつれて一緒に参加させて頂きました。 珍しくて楽しい経験ができてとても喜んでおりました。 先生方もとてもポジティブにご指導して下さり本当に楽しかったです。 ありがとうございました。
- 6歳~70歳
- 1~2時間
- 11:00 / 14:00 / 17:00 / 20:00
This is a plan to make a pilgrimage to the sacred place where the Samurais were defeated in the last great battle of the war in Osaka and the castle fell, wearing armor and helmets as if in a battle. 〜A famous castle that marks the history of prosperity and upheaval of the Tennojin The official website of Osaka Castle introduces the tour as follows. However, there was no sign of the impregnable castle that once boasted of its impregnability, as the moats other than the main citadel and the dug-out moat were filled in by Ieyasu's scheming peace during the Battle of Osaka. The Tokugawa forces, led by the Echizen forces led by Matsudaira Tadanao, who were the first to arrive on the scene after the destruction of Sanada's troops, invaded the castle one after another, and a fire started by an informant of the Tokugawa forces in the Honmaru kitchen quickly engulfed the castle tower. When Nobushige, the best soldier in Japan, was a hostage of the Toyotomi family, he was favored by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and treated as a vassal rather than a hostage. Yukimura joined the overwhelmingly disadvantaged Toyotomi's side in the Battle of Osaka because he remained loyal to Hideyoshi.He was called from a position where he was merely prolong
- 6歳~75歳
- 1~2時間
- 10:00 / 11:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00 / 18:00 / 19:00
【Preparation】 Calligraphy is an aesthetic expression of Japanese culture. Before experiencing calligraphy, we will ask you to change into Japane 【Explanation】 First of all, we will explain about the mental attitude and tools.You will better understand the differences between foreign Caligraphy and Japanese "Shodo". The instructor will explain how to hold the brush and how to use the tools.Please choose your favorite Japanese Kanji character to try in this experience. 【Practice】 Calligraphy has a sense of quietness and beauty. Essentially, it is important to have basic manners, such as sitting upright, keeping your back straight, and holding your brush upright. There are basic techniques such as "tome," "hane," and "harai," which should be practiced. Learn the stroke order of the chosen kanji. Learn by observing the teacher's demonstration with a model.Practice the kanji you have just selected with an awareness of the technique. 【Special】 Teachers have applied kanji to the foreign names of our clients and come up with Japanese-style names written in kanji. 【Seisho】 Participants will be asked to write their chosen kanji characters on a fan and a piece of calligraphy paper, keeping in mind what they have learned so far.
- 16歳~99歳
- 1時間以内
- 11:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00
本物の武術道場で刀の使い方、抜き方、振り方を学べ、最後は実際に剣術勝負ができます。 師範代が英語で通訳対応します。 勇進流刀技術による本物の日本刀を使った「演舞、藁斬鑑賞」ができます 古流居合道場の勇進流刀技術 有段者が安全且つ丁寧に指導しますので安心して体験ご参加下さい。 「侍コース」は普段着の上に居合帯を着用しての簡易略装での体験になります。(動きやすい服装でお越し下さい) <プラン当日の体験> ・挨拶(簡単な自己紹介)、体験の注意点指導など ・道着へ着替え ・神棚挨拶 ・屈伸運動 ・模造刀又は木刀による素振り指導 ・宗家の型演武鑑賞 ・高段者による藁斬鑑賞 ・高段者と模擬戦 ・真剣の手入れ体験 ・刀屋さんの方へ行き、刀剣鑑賞試斬体験実施 以上、概ね40分程度
- 16歳~99歳
- 1時間以内 /1~2時間
- 11:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00
本物の武術道場で日本刀に触れ、武道を学ぶ体験プランです。 古流居合道場の勇進流刀技術 有段者が安全且つ丁寧に指導しますので安心して体験ご参加下さい。 「鎧武者・武将」コースは当館所定の道着を着用しての体験になります。(女性は写真のような女性らしい着物も用意しています♪) 当館所有の「甲冑」を着用して頂きます。甲冑用の「太刀」もご用意しており写真や動画が更に映える事でしょう! ご希望により、「甲冑」を着用しての素振りや試斬も可能です。 勇進流刀技術の「剣術」「居合」「立居振舞」そして「試斬」。 他では決して体験出来ない、本物のSAMURAIをご堪能下さい! <プラン当日の体験> ・挨拶(簡単な自己紹介)、体験の注意点指導など ・神棚挨拶 ・屈伸運動 ・立居振舞指導 ⇨ 宗家の型演武鑑賞 ⇨ 高段者の藁斬鑑賞 ・鎧着用体験 ・高段者との試合体験 ※試合体験は鎧を着た状態で3分間の模擬戦 ・真剣の手入れ体験 ・ラストは刀屋さんの方へ行き、刀剣鑑賞 以上、概ね60〜80分