- 6歳~70歳
- 1~2時間
- 11:00 / 14:00 / 17:00 / 20:00
Let's learn the bushido and experience the samurai spirit. What is the most important thing for a samurai? Wearing hakama, sandals, and a sword, and learning etiquette, manners, and kata. We call it the BUSHIDO sign. Next, as a BUSHIDO LEARN, you will experience the weight and sharpness of a real Japanese sword. We will learn the basics of swordsmanship (Battou and Nattou). We will take a break with SAMURAI TEA on the way. You will be entertained at a tea ceremony, as samurai risked their lives to "entertain" and "be entertained". Before participating in the final battle of the Warring States Period, the Battle of Osaka, the participants are asked to prepare for death and reflect on their own lives, writing their last words with a large brush on every piece of paper. This is called Deathbed calligraphy. At last, he puts on his armor and helmet to become a bushido master and goes to battle at the castle of Osaka to gain military merit in the battle of Osaka. However, when the defeat was imminent, the samurai, for the sake of honor, would not suffer the shame of the noose, even if they lost the battle, but would die by harakiri or cutting their belly before being captured.
- 6歳~70歳
- 2~3時間
- 11:00 / 14:00 / 17:00 / 20:00
Let's learn the bushido and experience the samurai spirit. What is the most important thing for a samurai? Wearing hakama, sandals, and a sword, and learning etiquette, manners, and kata. We call it the BUSHIDO sign. Next, as a BUSHIDO LEARN, you will experience the weight and sharpness of a real Japanese sword. We will learn the basics of swordsmanship (Battou and Nattou). We will take a break with SAMURAI TEA on the way. You will be entertained at a tea ceremony, as samurai risked their lives to "entertain" and "be entertained". Before participating in the final battle of the Warring States Period, the Battle of Osaka, the participants are asked to prepare for death and reflect on their own lives, writing their last words with a large brush on every piece of paper. This is called Deathbed calligraphy. At last, he puts on his armor and helmet to become a bushido master and goes to battle at the castle of Osaka to gain military merit in the battle of Osaka. However, when the defeat was imminent, the samurai, for the sake of honor, would not suffer the shame of the noose, even if they lost the battle, but would die by harakiri or cutting their belly before being captured.
- 2歳~80歳
- 1~2時間
- 10:00 / 13:30 / 17:00
淡路島の秋の海をカヤックで彩ろう! 澄み渡った秋の空の下、カヤックに乗って、紅葉した木々や穏やかな海を満喫しませんか?経験豊富なスタッフが丁寧にレクチャーするので、初心者の方でも安心してご参加いただけます。 カヤックから眺める淡路島の秋は、格別です。水面に映る紅葉や、夕焼け空が織りなす絶景は、あなたを特別な世界へ誘います。体験中はガイドが、カヤックの上から広がるパノラマビューや、水面に映る空と海の絶景を背景に、あなたの素敵な笑顔を撮影します。 思い出に残る一枚を、ぜひSNSでシェアしてください。 レンタル道具は全て無料なので、手ぶらで気軽にご参加いただけます。
- 0歳~100歳
- 1~2時間
- 12:00 / 14:30 / 16:30 / 19:15
青く広がる海を悠々と駆け抜けるコンチェルトのクルージングプラン☆ ここでは時間がゆっくりと波の音に重なり合って流れます♪ 安心な航海、食事、景色、演奏やイベント、そして心をこめたサービス・・・ これら全ての調和が「コンチェルト(協奏曲)」の意味に込められております。 ◆運航時間◆  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ランチクルーズ 12:00~14:00 ティークルーズ 14:30~16:00 トワイライトクルーズ 16:30~18:15 ナイトクルーズ 19:15~21:00 ◆料金に含まれるもの◆  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 乗船料+選べるソフトドリンク1杯 ◆ソフトドリンク◆  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ■~2/29まで選べるソフトドリンク オレンジジュース アップルジュース グレープフルーツジュース パイナップルジュース マンゴージュース コーラ ジンジャーエール ウーロン茶 コーヒー 紅茶 ■3/1から選べるソフトドリンク オレンジジュース ウーロン茶 コーヒー 紅茶 ※写真はイメージです。