Spirits of Japan のギャラリー
Spirits of Japan のギャラリー
Spirits of Japan のギャラリー
Spirits of Japan のギャラリー

Spirits of Japan

Spirits of Japanの特徴

I am your Kansai professional. I will teach you about Japanese culture, Shinto, Buddhism, Food, and of course, Sake. With 20 years of being an Interpretive Guide, I will ensure we create awesome memories for you while you are in Japan!

Spirits of Japanの取扱プラン一覧

Spirits of Japanの口コミ・体験談


Spirits of Japanのスタッフ紹介

  • Richard Hawkins(ホーキンズ リチャード) 担当種目/経験年数など:Fourteen years in executive Hotel management, nineteen years as a professional Interpretive Tour Guide in the Grand Canyon, Sedona, Hawaii Island and Japan. ホテル(飲食業)マネージメント14年、ツアーガイド19年(グランキャニオン、セドナ、ハワイ、日本)

    I am your Kansai professional. I will teach you about Japanese culture, Shinto, Buddhism, Food, and of course, Sake. With 20 years of being an Interpretive Guide, I will ensure we create awesome memories for you while you are in Japan!

