【京都・金閣寺周辺】食品サンプル体験コース(trial course)EASY MODE
- 初心者歓迎・初挑戦
- 手ぶらOK
- 一人参加可
- 雨天催行可
- 子供参加可
参加年齢6歳 ~ 80 歳
体験時間1時間以内 他
atelier melty 252では、日本の食品サンプル作りを気軽に楽しめる体験コースをご用意しています。観光の合間に、京都ならではの食文化を感じながら、自分だけのオリジナル作品を作りませんか?作品はそのままお持ち帰りいただけます。
• 所要時間
• 対象年齢
• 特徴
1.DIY体験: 本物そっくりの食品サンプルを、自分の手で作る楽しさを体験。
2.旅の思い出: 完成品はその場でお持ち帰り。旅行の思い出にぴったりです。
• プロセス
• 難易度
• 失敗の可能性
- 即時予約OK!
- 受付終了
- 受付不可
- リクエスト予約
料金に含まれるもの | |
料金に含まれないもの |
お支払い方法 |
特定商取引法に関する表示 | 特定商取引法に関する表示 |
予約キャンセル料金発生日 | 催行日の6日前からキャンセル料金が発生いたします。 |
キャンセルに関して | お客様都合によるキャンセルの際は以下のキャンセル料を申し受けますのでご了承下さい。 6日前〜4日前:60% 3日前〜2日前:70% 前日:80% 当日:90% 無断キャンセル:100% |
開催中止に関して |
最少催行人数 | 1人 |
予約可能数 | 1~4 |
所要時間について |
開催期間 | 通年(不定休) |
集合時間 | ご予約時間の10分前にお越しください。 |
予約締切 | 前日17:59まで |
更衣室 | トイレ | ||
シャワー | 駐車場 | ||
ロッカー |
服装・持ち物について | 遊び心を持ってお楽しみください! |
レンタル品について | エプロン、画材、手袋などはご用意しております。 |
コース参加にあたってのご注意 | ・遅刻された場合は、参加できない場合がございます。 ・未就学のお子様は必ず保護者の方と一緒にご参加ください。 ・作品が完成したら、すぐに写真を撮ることができます。しかし、作品が完全に乾燥するには時間がかかります。これは使用する材料によって異なりますので、完成した作品はホテルに戻った後、風通しの良い場所に置いてください。24時間後には、安全に触れられるようになります。 |
その他特記事項 | ・参加者の能力や興味に応じて、関連する項目をお選びください。 ・当店ではエプロンや手袋を提供しておりますが、万が一、服が汚れてしまった場合については責任を負いかねますので、ご了承ください。 ・食品サンプルは食べ物ではありませんので、安全な場所に飾りとしてご置きください。万が一、お子様が誤って食べてしまった場合は、速やかに医師の診察を受けてください。 |
easy:rice Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:rice Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:rice Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:rice Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:noodles Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:noodles Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:noodles Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:noodles Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:noodles Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:shaved ice Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:shaved ice Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:shaved ice Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:shaved ice Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:shaved ice Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:shaved ice Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:cake Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:cake Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:cake Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
easy:cake Discover the joy of food sample making with our Trial Course – a simple, fun experience designed for beginners of all ages! In just 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll create your very own realistic food model. Perfect for families, friends, or solo explorers, this course is suitable for participants aged 6 and above. Whether you’re new to crafting or just looking for a quick creative break, this activity promises to be easy, engaging, and memorable!
atelier melty 252
金閣寺の参拝用駐車場(金閣寺 第3駐車場)をご利用いただけます(有料)。
• B3乗り場のバス「205」に乗車し、金閣寺道で下車。徒歩5分。
• A3乗り場のバス「206」または「6」に乗車し、千本北大路で下車。徒歩5分。
みんなの体験談 0件
このプランに関するQ&A このプランについて質問する
1. 安心の店舗環境
• スタジオは1階にあり、どなたでも安心してご利用いただけます。階段やエレベーターの利用が不要で、安全性が高い設計です。
2. 開放的な空間
• 多面のガラス窓により、明るく開放的な室内が特徴です。作業中も外の様子が見えるため、閉塞感がなく安心して体験いただけます。
3. 万が一に備えた設備
• 店内には消火器を設置し、火災などの緊急事態にも迅速に対応できる体制を整えています。
4. 換気対策
• 定期的な換気を徹底し、常に新鮮な空気が循環するよう配慮しています。衛生面でも安心して体験いただけます。
5. 予約制
• 予約制を採用しており、知らない方との相席や混雑の心配がありません。プライベート空間で集中して体験いただけます。
6. 専門スタッフによる指導
• 美術専門の大学で学んだスタッフが運営しており、20年以上の美術教師としての経験を活かした、安心・丁寧なサポートを提供します。
加盟団体・協会 | 京都市観光協会 |
在籍スタッフ数 | 1 人 |
インストラクター数 | 1 人 |