- 0歳~100歳
- 1時間以内
- 20:00 / 21:00 / 22:00 / 23:00
2025”卒旅応援”キャンペーン2/1~3/31 U18~U25全プラン10%OFF 世界遺産である今帰仁城跡前で星空カメラマンが時間の許す 限り参加者を何枚でも撮影するので自分なりのポージングを モデルのようにするもよし思い出の記念フォトを自慢するも よしカップル、夫婦、家族、友達で参加頂き楽しく撮影するので インスタ映え間違いなし☆彡サプライズ(告白、プロポーズ、誕生日)なども 記念に撮影する方も年々、増えていてウエディングの後に来られたなんて お客様もいらっしゃったぐらいなので用途は自由ですよ 回りに明かりが少なく抜群の星空スポットで星空を眺めたいと思う人には県内の中でも トップクラスで世界遺産の今帰仁城跡と合わせて遊びに来て下さいね 那覇から沖縄高速道 許田ICより40分 大人¥9.800 小学生¥4,500未就学児¥¥2,000 **夏目前!割引延長中 天候にどうしても左右されるのでキャンセル料金は頂かず変更、空の話もしながら一部、星の写真も差し替えしライトアートなど工夫しながらフォトプラン、キャンセルなど 柔軟に対応しますのでご相談下さいね
- 6歳~75歳
- 1時間以内
- 10:00 / 11:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00 / 18:00 / 19:00
SAMURAI CALLIGRAPHY -Preparation Resignation is the last character to be written in this world in preparation for death. Calligraphy is a beautiful part of Japanese culture, but before experiencing it, please imagine yourself saying goodbye to this world. Before you experience it, imagine that you will soon have to say goodbye to this world. You will be dressed in kimono or hakama like a samurai - Description of the Book of Resignation In the Warring States period, life and death were always next to each other. One of the essential practices of the samurai at the time of their death was the writing of resignation. -When a samurai foresaw his death, he would look back on his life and write down his last words as his last words on earth.
外国のお友達をつれて一緒に参加させて頂きました。 珍しくて楽しい経験ができてとても喜んでおりました。 先生方もとてもポジティブにご指導して下さり本当に楽しかったです。 ありがとうございました。
- 6歳~75歳
- 1~2時間
- 10:00 / 11:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00 / 18:00 / 19:00
【Preparation】 Calligraphy is an aesthetic expression of Japanese culture. Before experiencing calligraphy, we will ask you to change into Japane 【Explanation】 First of all, we will explain about the mental attitude and tools.You will better understand the differences between foreign Caligraphy and Japanese "Shodo". The instructor will explain how to hold the brush and how to use the tools.Please choose your favorite Japanese Kanji character to try in this experience. 【Practice】 Calligraphy has a sense of quietness and beauty. Essentially, it is important to have basic manners, such as sitting upright, keeping your back straight, and holding your brush upright. There are basic techniques such as "tome," "hane," and "harai," which should be practiced. Learn the stroke order of the chosen kanji. Learn by observing the teacher's demonstration with a model.Practice the kanji you have just selected with an awareness of the technique. 【Special】 Teachers have applied kanji to the foreign names of our clients and come up with Japanese-style names written in kanji. 【Seisho】 Participants will be asked to write their chosen kanji characters on a fan and a piece of calligraphy paper, keeping in mind what they have learned so far.